Past Updates
3/16/03: Added the episode summaries for the end of the series. Now I just have to go back and do the ones that I missed at the beginning. I also added a page where you can leave your opinions about Azumanga! 3/10/03: Sorry for the lack of updates! It's been a busy month. I've added a few more episode summaries. I should have all of them up soon. I hope to get a lot more work done on the site this month. 2/7/03: Added some more episode summaries and quotes, and a new section of miscellaneous images. 2/2/03: Scanned in the rest of the artbook images and added some more episode summaries and quotes. I also added a new wallpaper, and some polls. We're getting there! Please take a moment to vote in the polls. :) 1/30/03: Well, the site is finally up! There are still a few more things I have to work on (namely relationships and quotes), but most of it is done. Look for some major updates within the next few days.