Q: Care to give some advice?
Q: Do you have a best friend or any friends?
Q: What number am I? I'm between 1 and 3 but I am not 2.
Q: You know Santa Claus, the easter bunny, the tooth fairy and all that crap isn't real, right???
Q: whats 9 +100+867 -263 times 6 to the 12th power??
Q: why are you soo cool? why did you move?
Q: Don't you think that your friends from elementary have a striking
resemblance to Yukari and Nyamo sensei? And one of them is named
Yuka?!?! Particularly the one that looks like Yukari?!?! EXPLAIN!
Q: Have you ever tried that "Hollywood Miracle Diet" drink?
Q: what's your secret?? what do you do and eat to get such big boobs??
Q: I've been to Hokkaido on a plane.
Q: I'd love to drive in your car! Can you take me with you when you go to Chiyos again?
Q: if your parents can't bear cats then why not to have a dog?
Q: You're the best Gym teach out there! I wish I could have you as my teach then I'll hug you!
Q: Will you help me and rescue Chiyo chan from her evil pigtails?
Q: You must look wonderful in a Yukata. Would you mind if you send me a pic?
Q: can you speak a diffrent language than japanese?
Q: How come your so clever? I can't believe your actually studying, you must be on drugs!
Q: Are you in love with Osaka?
Q: Are you afraid of german speaking people? You know they can speak english too!
Q: Would you go on a date with me?
Q: Chiyo why cant you just go away and go back to the grade you belong!? High School is no place for little girls! *huffs*
Q: Why you don't marry with somebody?
Q: I don't think you are fat.
Q: Who would win in a fight? You, or Chiyo's dog?
Q: What weighs more than a elephant but weighs less than a feather?