Q: Chiyo...The Matrix...has you.
A: Ehhhh? *whimper*
Q: You look like a potato. Are you?
A: No.
Q: It'll be nice if I can shoot Tadakichi-san. Can I?
A: *wails* Noooooooooooo!! I'll protect you, Tadakichi!
Q: Why do you think you are fat? Is it because Tomo makes fun of you all
the time? Don't listen to her, and you shouldn't be so hard on youself.
I don't think you are fat. I think you are a very cute girl. I wouldn't
change a thing. *blush*
A: *blush* Thank you!
Q: Got anymore bean facts for us?
A: Mmm... bean paste. *slips in a puddle of her own drool*
Q: Who is your best friend (only 1)?... (Bread rolls is NOT an answer!!!)
A: Chiyo-chan.
Q: Any relation between you and Sasami Misaki?
A: Aah, no.
Q: Do you believe in fate?
A: Not really... I think you have to make your own destiny!
Q: why is your mouth open all the time? are you trying to catch flies?
A: I've told you before - so I don't choke on my own drool.
Q: don't worry about the people trying to scare you. i'll beat them into human hamburger, watch!
A: Human hamburger...? Yuck! ;_;
Q: If big brother says 1 plus 1 is 5 is it five? or is it obviously 2?
A: Five. I'm good at math.
Q: Ahaha! I figured it out! You're a *fake* cat!
A: Fake cat? *gasp* I'm as real as you are. Chiyo-chan! Please tell your friend here that your father is a real cat.
Q: What kind of dog are you?
A: French.
Q: You think the way I do. Would you go on a date with me? I have bread rolls...
A: Okay. Do you know all the types of bread rolls? There are plain, and
curried, and cream... *wrinkles nose* I don't like those. Bread rolls
shouldn't be bumpy like that.
Q: Hey look! A cat-eating dog! *points*
A: MROW. *bite*
Q: *gives baby seal plushie* Here, a gift for you...
A: *blushes* Thank you very much.
Q: Would you ever consider liking a guy?
A: Of course.
Q: Bow wow arf grr?
A: Arf arf arf. Woof.
Q: Why does your wife think you're cool? You're just a big perv!
A: She loves me because I'm a good man.
Q: How long did it take you to grow your hair...things...on the side...?
A: *shrug* I don't know... they've always been there. Isn't that bizarre?
Q: Hey give me some money. I'm broke and I want to gamble.
A: You're telling me. Let's hit up Nyamo for some money.
Q: I'm going to eat you. Stop biting Sakaki.
A: *bite*
Q: If you were to choose between a week of snowboarding or a week of surfing, which would it be?
A: Surfing!!
Q: Hey, Kaorin is in love with you. She told me. And she's too afraid
to admit that to you because you'll think she's some kind of freak.
A: Hmm... why does everyone keep telling me this?
Q: Ever thought about contact lenses? Also, smiling a little bit more?
A: I don't think I could stick something in my eye like that. And as for
smiling - why smile when you have nothing to smile about?
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