
Kaorin Q: Where are you going to go to college?
A: Wherever Sakaki-san is going!

Yomi Q: You're a pretty slender girl, so why do you insist on losing weight?
A: Slender? Why, thank you! Too bad nobody else thinks so...

Kagura Q: Don't you think Tomo-chan's envious of your bust measurement?
A: I *know* she is!

Tomo Q: I'm going to ruin your day. What will you do?
A: I'll use my super karate chop on you!

Yukari Q: Isn't it your birthday today?
A: No... I mean, yes! Today is my birthday! Now where the hell are my presents?! You ungrateful little--

Osaka Q: Can I spread my arms out like how you do in a race?
A: I'm flying!

Yomi Q: Can I borrow your good luck charm?
A: Sure.

Kimura Q: Don't you think your daughter looks like a smaller version of Sakaki-san?
A: Sakaki... *jaw drop*

Kimura Q: How can you google over girls when you have a wife???
A: My wife understands my love of high school girls.

Osaka Q: If water + heat = steam, then can the world be saved by steam?
A: Ahh. *ponders*...Yes. But everyone would have to live on steamships. The whole world would be a steamship army and there would be steamship wars. Like Battleship, but with no little screen.

Osaka Q: Would you do the flute dance for me?
A: Yes, as long as there is no spicy food involved.

Sakaki Q: Your so cute! MUCH cuter then Chiyo! Can I be your best friend? *clings*
A: Thank you very much. *blush* I'm happy to have new friends. But Chiyo-chan is a cute girl.

Chiyo Q: Is your daily life worth watching?
A: Worth watching? Are you thinking of stalking me? *cower* I have Tadakichi-san here to protect me!

Yomi Q: You have a great singing voice. Can you teach me to sing like that?
A: Really? You think so? Of course I will!

Yukari Q: Why do you keep making bets when you always lose them?
A: I just had a string of bad luck! Gambling will pay off soon! Wait a minute, it can't be all bad luck... I bet Nyamo was cheating... dammit! Nyamo, you owe me 100 000 yen!

Sakaki Q: How did you dream of Chiyo's dad being a wierd cat?
A: *blank stare* Chiyo-chan's father is a yellow cat.

Sakaki Q: How did you get so big?
A: I can't stop growing. *wistful sigh* I wish I was smaller...

Chiyo Q: You sound kind of scary. Can you sound a little more older?
A: Scary? *lip quivers* But... but I'm only 12!

Sakaki Q: If you like cute things...Do you cute things that are violent and deadly?
A: Animals are only violent and deadly when provoked.

Osaka Q: Can you wake me up?
A: Okay, I'll bring my magical waking frying pan.

Chiyo Q: Santa Claus is your father, right? Tell him he forget me ;___; I didn't receive any present in Christhimas �.� He doesn't bring presents in Brazil ;_;?
A: You people are all very very strange. *hides* ;_;

Yukari Q: Has anyone ever got killed or injured in your car?
A: AHAHAHA! Of course not!! *nervous laugh* No...

Tomo Q: How much of what comes out of your mouth do you actually understand?
A: What, you mean you don't understand me? You must be stupid then, because I'm a super genius and everything I say is extremely intelligent!

Kaorin Q: Hey, isn't that Sakaki? *points*
A: Sakaki..? Where?! WHERE IS SHE!?!!

Kimura Q: Does anyone call you Kimurin besides you?
A: My darling wife! And my sweet sweet Kaorin will too one day.

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